Our Work

Lumenis Partnership

We Drive Awareness Heading design element

Investing in an exciting technology is a big step, and you need support so you get recognized by potential patients. That’s where we come in.

Lumenis chose LIFT Aesthetic Marketing as a partner for their triLift marketing program. Why? We’re a full-service digital marketing agency, and we know your audience. Our program connects you with your target audience in the space they frequent most—online.

When you join the triLift program, our team is your resource and support for any questions about your marketing. We create a tailored marketing strategy that helps you get results.

Contact Us

How Our
Program Works Heading design element

Our triLift marketing program supports you at every stage, from building awareness to driving traffic to encourage engagement. You get access to educational content, a robust social media library, and our team of marketing experts. We’ll also create a practice-branded triLift landing page for your website to help your clients understand how your technology can benefit them.

What Our Program Includes Heading design element

The triLift marketing program runs for 3 months, with 2 packages available so we can customize services to your business. We complete a comprehensive marketing consultation and create a strategy tailored to your practice. 

Both packages include a social media training manual, landing page creation, and a guide for events and sales.

Package 1

  • Facebook & Instagram awareness ads 
  • Social media posts
  • 3 email blasts

Package 2

  • Facebook & Instagram awareness ads
  • Facebook & Instagram lead ads 
  • Social media posts
  • 3 client email blasts + email drip campaign
  • Google search campaign (targeting triLift keywords)
  • Digital billboard (~200,000 impressions)

Let Us LIFT Your Marketing Strategy Heading design element

We’re thrilled to partner with Lumenis and connect with practices like yours. Our team loves what we do because we know we’re supporting the people who change lives. We’d love to talk about how we can help your business grow. Get in touch now to learn about our triLift program.

Our Marketing Formula Heading design element






What We Offer Heading design element

LIFT Aesthetic Marketing offers a range of services focused on key areas to help you achieve your business goals. Just like you create individualized treatment regimes for your patients, we formulate a customized strategy with the tools you need.

Our Lumenis Partnership Heading design element

triLift by Lumens logo
Lumens logo

We understand how technology can elevate your business—and how crucial it is for your patients to understand what you can offer.

LIFT Aesthetic Marketing’s partnership with Lumenis was developed to support clients with technological advancements by offering innovative marketing solutions. We support the marketing behind their triLift system, helping practices drive awareness and make the most of promoting their investment.

Learn more about our marketing program for triLift clients.

Discover Our Technology-Focused Partnership

Ready to Feel
Inspired Heading design element

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